Big Rush

Big Rush is located 170km North West of Charters Towers, Queensland consisting of high grade narrow vein deposit similar to The Welcome Again Mine. 153,000 indicated and inferred ounces under the JORC code.

  • Historic production of 58,000 ounces from 950,000 tonnes extracted from 4 shallow pits
  • High grade drill intersections including over 190 grams per tonne
  • So far, a 1400 meter strike length has be delineated
  • 3 Mining Leases and Exploration Permit in place
  • Potential to reprocess 1.0Mt stacked on pads

The Grafter West Mine

The Grafter West Mine is located on the Puddler Creek formation adjacent to the Welcome Again Mine. It was mined to a shallow depth at around the same time the Welcome Mine and the Great Eastern Mine were operating. It has the same quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins as the Welcome Again, containing free coarse grained gold and gold associated with pyrites.

Drilling and sampling at the Grafter West showed some promising assays, showing 11.9 and 12 grams per tonne in separate drill holes with costean samples of 9.7 and 3.3 grams per tonne.  A larger drilling program is planned to ascertain the extent of the ore body and assist in establishing a best-practice mining plan for its extraction.

When the addition exploration is completed, mining will commence. Until then, the Grafter West site will be used as stockpile and storage for operations on the Welcome Again or Great Eastern Mines.

The Great Eastern Mine

The Great Eastern Mine consists of historical workings on the Puddler Creek formation. The geology at The Great Eastern corresponds with The Welcome Again and The Grafter West Mines. A small drilling program was exercised at The Great Eastern Site and some promising intersections were made.

The Great Eastern Mine is on ML10124 produced 254 ounces of gold from 163 tonnes of ore between 1901 and 1906. The workings extended to 43 m deep, over a strike length of 200 m. Grades of battery returns reported for the mine are better than one ounce to the tonne.

The geology and mineralisation of this mine is similar in nature to the Welcome Again Mine. Based on drill results, Great Eastern Gold has identified an exploration target to a depth of 200 metres although like other mines in the Charters Towers region, the resource may run to depths of 1000 metres or more and the resource may well be substantial or equal to the Welcome Mine.

Great Eastern Gold plans to conduct further drilling to delineate the resource as this project will be a natural follow-on progression for mining after ML 10125.

Great Eastern Mine Exploration Target

Tonnage Range Au Grade Range Au oz Range
100,000 – 135,000 4.0 – 10.0 g/t 13,000 – 43,000


Comprised of a mining licence M29/164 and adjoining prospecting licences P29/2365 and P29/2535, each approximately 200Ha in size near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

Consists of four historic gold mines – Federal, Hopeful, Kurrajong and Dogger’s Dream.  

Since 2012, 10kg of gold has been recovered from prospecting on site.

Federal, Hopeful and Kurrajong all have historical workings dating back to 1902, each of which yielded around one ounce to the tonne.

A 20km continuous strike of a mineralised Greenstone Belt runs through the region, including the Springfield Venn Gold Corridor, the Goodenough Syncline, and the Moriarty shear zone. 

Limited rock and chip sampling are highly promising, and processed gold from a test parcel of 40 tonnes yielded approximately 5g to the tonne.

A drill programme is planned for Dogger’s Dream site.

Gold Head

The Gold Head goldfield, located in the Mcllwraith Range on the Cape York Peninsular, is situated some 48 kilometres northeast of Coen and about 460 kilometres northwest of Cairns. Alluvial gold was worked in the region in the early 1900s. Renaissance rock chip sampling has been done with promising assay results, including a sample of 85.5 g/t.

The Gold Head mineralisation consists of mesothermal quartz + calcite + chlorite + pyrite + arsenopyrite fissure veins within the Kintore Ademellite. At the northern end of the system, a single vein plus several major splays have been identified. Four zones containing elevated gold concentrations have been identified, which may potentially provide a basis for mining.

Great Eastern Gold has an Exploration Permit covering 29 subblocks over 87 square kilometres and may embark on a drilling programme to delineate the resource.

Yerilla & Yunda Mindra


Alongside the now-abandoned gold town of Yerilla, this cluster of exploration and prospecting licences covers 30 square km in the Yerilla Belt, near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

The old mines known as ‘Westward Ho’ and ‘Oven’s’ have deep workings dating back to 1914, indicate highly prospective finds.

Returned assays at 7 grams per tonne and old records dating back to 1986 indicate a resource of 50,000 tonnes.

Yunda Mindra

Not far from Trev’s Find and Yerilla, also near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, the prospecting licence at Yunda Mindra covers historic workings from a hundred years ago, indicated a highly prospective resource.

Yet be drilled, samples from the old workings show 3 to 5 grams to the tonne.